Sunday, July 6, 2008

The craziest bike I have ever seen....

Unfortunetly, for the owner of this bike...he had a flat. Fortunetly for me, I was able to snap a photo because no one would belive me if I told them. This guy had animal skins hanging from his bike. Racoon, Fox and Rabbit. He also had Christmas ornements, butterflies, alligators, statues, etc, etc. The craziest bike I have ever seen spotted on the corner West Street and Murray.


This has nothing to do with food, dogs or music, but it seemed only right that we checked out the firehouse featured in Ghostbusters, which is right in the heart of Tribeca on North Moore Street (14 N. Moore St).

Chihuahua Spotting

North End Ave and World Financial Center

Li Zie on a Lazy Sunday

Spinach and riccota tortelli pasta in a brown butter and asparagus.
Peppercorn Ahi Tuna with asparagus

French Fries!
For lunch/dinner on this LaZy Sunday we ventured into Chelsea (21st and 7th ave) to eat at Le Zie. A small Italian trattoria which always delivers when it comes to quality, service and taste. This is my 4th time dining at Le Zie, but this was my first time eating outside. The only issue with that was the subway below every 4 minutes or so. Besides that, delicious food and great doggie watching!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Italian Dessert In My Belly

Gelato, or the plural Gelati, is Italian ice cream made from milk and sugar, combined with other flavorings and boy is it delicious. One of the best places to get Gelato in NYC is located in lower Manhattan inside the World Financial Center at Ciao Bella Gelato You can also find it in the freezer section at your local super market. I enjoyed the chocolate chocolate cookie. A girl has to cheat sometimes!

Jay to the Nash!

NYC Welcome Jay Nash!
I not only had the pleasure to see Jay Nash perform at the Canal Room on Wednesday, but he is also the newest client of Big Picture Media. Nash recently signed to Bonded Records (Between The Trees) and has a record coming out in October featuring Sara Bareilles (I'm Not Gonna Write You A Love Song). Check out songs from Jay Nash here:
Jay Nash in the center (who somewhat resembles Ryan Gosling)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Downtown NYC River To River Festival

One of the best things about New York is that you never know where your night will take you, accidentally. Well, tonight I stumbled upon the Downtown NYC River To River festival and caught a performance by Kode9 / Juakali / Dub War / Forward Motion Theater at the Winter Garden in Battery Park. For more information on upcoming River To River shows this summer, click here:

Here is the best photo I could get!

Introducing Declan Bennett Check out the latest greatest import from England...His name is Declan Bennett. I had the honor of seeing him perform tonight at Joes Pub and it was fantastic! Keep him on your radar...This boy is gonna explode!

Monday, June 30, 2008

German Brothers

Two brother Weimaraner puppies I met on the corner of Chambers and Murray.

Sleepercar on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Hi! Below are photos from soundcheck of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, featuring Sleepercar! I got these snapped right before I was told to put my camera away.
Check out Sleepercar at and make sure to check them out on tour with the Old 97's!

Chambers and Murray Street Kids!

I met these two kids on the corner of Chambers and Murray street! The bassett hound was around 7 years old and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The frenchie was a little stand-off ish, but we too became best friends.

Carmines Times Square

I ate at Carmines on 44th and 7th this weekend. This is the cold antipasto. It featured grilled zuchini, focaccia bread with red peppers, goat cheese and eggplant, seafood salad, white bean dip, eggplant tappenade, prosciutto, provolone and ham.

Not pictured: Rigatoni Pomodoro and Chicken Marsala!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Upside Down Birthday!

What you are seeing below is my view of Christine's birthday plate! For her 28th birthday we went to AquaGrill on Spring and 6th Ave. We shared the red snapper and the halibut. Both were DELICIOUS! We finished our meal with the chocolate sampler plate shown below. The chef was kind enough to write Happy Birthday in dark chocolate. A girls dream come true!
If you are looking for amazingly fresh seafood in NYC...Hit up AquaGrill. Call in advance for a reservation.

Buster in a cab!

Buster took his first NYC cab ride this weekend when we went to meet up with the rest of the Boston Terrier group at Thompson Square Park in nYc! Buster was great in the cab as you know he loves road trips. Sadly, once we got to the dog park all he wanted to do was hump every dog in sight. Maybe it was because he was the largest boston terrier there out of 67, but people weren't happy. Needless to say, after he put a dirty stick on a girls lap and she got pissed, we left and dog park day was over.

Click on this link to see photos from the special day:

Molly got hit by a car....

Just kidding!!!!! Molly is taking a nap!


This is my nephew Gus the Shar-Pei. He can be a little crazy at times, but has a good heart.
We even have a song for him: "He licks with the force of a thousand elephants, dances with the grace of a hundred flamingos"

Dearest Angel

Even though Angel has passed, she will always be in my heart.

That on the couch is Clarice...she misses Angel too.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Caprese at La Mela in Little Italy, NYC

This is a must do if traveling to NYC and you want to experiance family style italian food. La Mela's on Mulberry Street between Grand and Broom. Mangia!

Window view.

It's almost too good to be true...but it is true. Very true.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Okay, Okay...

I know this isn't a dog, or food or music, but I befriended this kitty while in Cocoa, Florida this week. Meow.

New Stuff on the Horizon

Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Photos of Middleboro


It was beautiful out today so we decided to take Buster for a walk around town. You all now how much he loves to travel and explore. Please enjoy some photos from our walk.

Sincere Apologies -- New Photos & Video

Hi Fans Everywhere,

I apologize for not keeping up with my blog. As many of you know, I have been very busy lately, but am back on track and committed to bringing you only the best in Canines, Concerts and Cuisines!
Please continue to check back soon for additional updates and please welcome Harry (or Harriet once we find out the sex) to our family. You can watch a video of him getting his daily exercise below.
I am uploading some photos of the town Paul, Buster, Harry and I are currently living in. Back to NYC on February 15th! :)
Love always,

Monday, July 16, 2007

Gyu - Kaku


As promised, I dined at Gyu - Kaku on Cooper Street on Saturday night. I have nothing more to say than fantastic. Not one single complaint the entire meal, everything was absolutely perfect. Starting with the Miso Salmon, Chilean Sea Bass in a Citrus Sauce, Ahi Tuna, Scallops, Filet Mignon with Ponzu, Enoki Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom, Garlic Mash Potato, Sweet Potato, and Bimbimba. It was the first time in my life I tried Salmon, and it was deeeelish! Gyu Kaku is the proud place of where I tried many varieties of seafood for the first time. If you know me, you know that I am weird about who cooks my food, especially if it was once breathing. Maybe it was because I was a vegetarian or because I am a lunatic, or because I worked at Chili's and Applebees for too long, who knows...but what I do know is I have experienced Salmon, Sea Bass and Ahi Tuna for the first time all under that roof. I think this is all because I was able to cook it myself. Well, what a cook I am! I cannot get enough of this place.

I highly recommend everyone and their mother try this place...Make reservations in advance.

(p.s. don't forget the Smore's for dessert!)

Friday, July 13, 2007


Ok, Ok, I finally gave into the trend and tried PinkBerry today! To my surprise, all the hype it true. I loved it! At the first taste it seemed bitter and sour, but I quickly started to love it bite after bite. I paid $5.96 for the 8oz. with three toppings. I got fresh strawberries, fresh bananas and chocolate chips. It was worth every penny. I also found the secret location in Korea Town on 32nd street between 5th and 6th. That is only a few avenues up from my apartment!

An all natural non-fat frozen yogurt. Goooo PinkBerry!

Stay Tuned...

I am going here for dinner tonight. Be sure to check back for a full report on how it was!

From Rice To Riches...

Mexican Chicken Soup

Caribbean Jerk Chicken

On Thursday, July 12th we had the hardest time figuring out where to go for dinner. On my walk home from work I always pass this cute corner restaurant called RICE, so we decided to eat there. Christine had also highly reccomended it. I ordered the Thai Beef Salad (Thai Beef Salad marinated beef, grilled medium rare, slivered and tossed with lettuce, carrots, red peppers, celery and fresh mint. with lemongrass dressing) with black rice (Thai Black black skinned grain with white flesh, steamed in coconut milk). The salad was absolutely delicious...a little light on the beef, but it was only $6.50 so I can't complain. The black rice I could do without...It was bland. For my entree I ordered the Caribbean Jerk Chicken wings (Jerk Chicken Wings marinated in a combination of caribbean spices and grilled, served with salsa fresca) over the Rice And Peas (Rice and Peas steamed in coconut milk, with red beans)...They call it "Peas" but it is really just red pinto beans. The kicker with this dish is they mix the salsa fresca with shredded coconut and chopped almonds over the rice...each bite gets better and better. Paul ordered the Mexican Chicken Soup (Mexican Chicken Soup with avocado, tomato, corn, rice, cilantro and lime) and it was so fresh tasting. The broth tasted really light and clean. The wait staff was extremely kind as well. I can't wait to go back!

Thursday, July 12, 2007



A collegue of mine happens to sing in a band...and they are actually really great! They are called Illuminea (formerly Illumina) and played Mercury Lounge on 7/10. Please be sure to check them out here: They are an energetic 7 piece and it is almost as of each member plays 7 instruments (I sware Jen played a peppercorn grinder)...Check them out and show them some love.

Sunday, July 8, 2007








I know what your thinking...

What does this have to do with music, food or dogs? Well, it doesn't, but today I felt like planting. Christine and I went to the hardware store and I bought planters, seeds and soil and became one with the earth. I went out on the fire escape and got soily. Thank god Paul was home to help me back in or else I would still be out there now!

Kwik - E - Mart

In promotion for the upcoming Simpsons movie (in theaters July 27th), some of you may heard that 7-11's around the country are being turned into kwik-E-marts. Paul and I ventured into Times Square to see for ourselves...We bought Krusty O's, pink frosted donuts, Buzz Cola and a Cherry Squishee! Check it out:



Have you ever...

...seen a dog so cute!? I met him on the corner of 2nd ave and 5th street!

4th of July!

Hi...Janene came over to celebrate the country's Independence and we made Miss USA proud by going out to dinner, getting ice cream, and watching the fireworks on the east river from our roof top. We ate at Duke's on 3rd ave and it was really crowded. We ordered quickly, BUT it took over an hour for our appetizer to come out. We ordered spinach and artichoke dip which I thought was really delicious, but Paul thought it was cakey. The waitress apologized for it taking over an hour and they took it off the bill. Then our food arrived. I had fresh turkey, bacon and Monterrey jack cheese on a roll. Paul had a southwestern Cesar salad and Janene had corn chowder. We all thought each dish was really great.